Smart-IT Accounting Software is one of our latest exciting
projects. Their product is a very efficient software program that co-ordinates
and streamlines the day-to-day workings of any business, from bookkeeping to
management. After getting a personal demonstration of Smart-IT, we were utterly
impressed with their product and felt inspired to get to work.
Currently we are in the process of revamping the website,
designing product packaging and creating a striking billboard. In addition we
are creating a buzz for their company online with articles and news releases.
Which reminds me: are you working in their industry? Want a link to Smart-IT on your website? They will return the favour.
This one’s still in the early stages. Proof that we actually do planning!
DTP by Michaela, edited by Johan. I’m doing the copy, but you can’t read it
yet! So no credit for me here ... :(